Creating Ideal Client Profiles Made Easy (EN)

People do business with people they know, like and trust. The tricky thing is, how do you get your social media audience, website visitors and e-mail subscribers to know, like and trust you and/or your team?

Several marketing organization have done in-depth research. And they all agree that using ideal client profiles, also called buyer persona, helps you create content to do just that.

HubSpot says that using ideal client profiles made websites 2-5 times more effective and easier to user by targeted users.

A Marketing Sherpa case study found that ideal client profiles added the following value:
a 900% increase in length of visit,
a 171% increase in marketing-generated revenue,
a 111% increase in email open rate,
and a 100% increase in the number of pages visited.

According to ITSMA, buyers are 48% more likely to consider solution providers that personalize their marketing to address their specific business issues.

And yet, only 44% of business to business marketers actively uses buyer persona. That is sad, because getting started is not very complicated.

During this presentation, you’ll:

  • Discover what commonly made mistakes to avoid and what to do instead.
  • Find out what data to collect and where to find it.
  • Make a head start diving into your ideal clients’ dreams, goals, fears and frustrations using a tool I recently developed.
